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rx Struct Reference

#include <rx.h>

Collaboration diagram for rx:

Data Fields

rx_type_t rx_type
uint16_t rssi
 rssi in range: [0;1023] More...
sys_micros_t rxUpdateAt
 time for next update (we only update as often as is necessary depending on what type of receiver we have) More...
sys_micros_t suspendRxSignalUntil
 suspends rx signal until specified deadline More...
uint8_t skipRxSamples
 samples collected from the receiver. More...
bool rxSamplesCollected
uint8_t rcSampleIndex
sys_micros_t rcInvalidPulsPeriod [RX_MAX_SUPPORTED_RC_CHANNELS]
 period under which we have not had valid rx signal More...
 calculated output channels More...
uint32_t active_channels
 holds currently active channels (until they time out) More...
uint32_t used_channels
 holds mask of channels that have been active since receiver was connected More...
uint16_t(* rcReadRawFunc )(rxRuntimeConfig_t *rxRuntimeConfig, uint8_t chan)
 function used for reading raw values. Returns 0 on failure to read receiver. More...
uint16_t rxRefreshRate
 currently set refresh rate in microseconds More...
rxRuntimeConfig_t rxRuntimeConfig
const struct system_callssystem
const struct configconfig

Field Documentation

uint32_t rx::active_channels

holds currently active channels (until they time out)

interval [1000;2000]

const struct config* rx::config

calculated output channels

sys_micros_t rx::rcInvalidPulsPeriod[RX_MAX_SUPPORTED_RC_CHANNELS]

period under which we have not had valid rx signal

uint16_t(* rx::rcReadRawFunc)(rxRuntimeConfig_t *rxRuntimeConfig, uint8_t chan)

function used for reading raw values. Returns 0 on failure to read receiver.

uint8_t rx::rcSampleIndex

samples collected from the receiver.

uint16_t rx::rssi

rssi in range: [0;1023]

rx_type_t rx::rx_type
uint16_t rx::rxRefreshRate

currently set refresh rate in microseconds

rxRuntimeConfig_t rx::rxRuntimeConfig
bool rx::rxSamplesCollected
sys_micros_t rx::rxUpdateAt

time for next update (we only update as often as is necessary depending on what type of receiver we have)

uint8_t rx::skipRxSamples
sys_micros_t rx::suspendRxSignalUntil

suspends rx signal until specified deadline

const struct system_calls* rx::system
uint32_t rx::used_channels

holds mask of channels that have been active since receiver was connected

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: