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accgyro_lsm303dlhc.c File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include "build_config.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "common/maths.h"
#include "common/axis.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "bus_i2c.h"
#include "sensor.h"
#include "accgyro.h"
#include "accgyro_lsm303dlhc.h"
Include dependency graph for accgyro_lsm303dlhc.c:


#define LSM303DLHC_ACCEL_ADDRESS   0x19
#define LSM303DLHC_MAG_ADDRESS   0x1E
#define CTRL_REG1_A   0x20
#define CTRL_REG4_A   0x23
#define CTRL_REG5_A   0x24
#define OUT_X_L_A   0x28
#define CRA_REG_M   0x00
#define CRB_REG_M   0x01
#define MR_REG_M   0x02
#define OUT_X_H_M   0x03
#define ODR_1344_HZ   0x90
#define AXES_ENABLE   0x07
#define FULLSCALE_2G   0x00
#define FULLSCALE_4G   0x10
#define FULLSCALE_8G   0x20
#define FULLSCALE_16G   0x30
#define BOOT   0x80
#define ODR_75_HZ   0x18
#define ODR_15_HZ   0x10
#define FS_1P3_GA   0x20
#define FS_1P9_GA   0x40
#define FS_2P5_GA   0x60
#define FS_4P0_GA   0x80
#define FS_4P7_GA   0xA0
#define FS_5P6_GA   0xC0
#define FS_8P1_GA   0xE0


bool lsm303dlhcAccDetect (acc_t *accel)


uint8_t accelCalibrating = false
float accelOneG = 9.8065
int32_t accelSum100Hz [3] = { 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t accelSum500Hz [3] = { 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t accelSummedSamples100Hz [3]
int32_t accelSummedSamples500Hz [3]

Macro Definition Documentation


Address Auto Increment - See LSM303DLHC datasheet, Section 5.1.1 I2C operation.

"The I2C embedded inside the LSM303DLHC behaves like a slave device and the following protocol must be adhered to. After the START condition (ST) a slave address is sent, once a slave acknowledge (SAK) has been returned, an 8-bit sub-address (SUB) is transmitted; the 7 LSBs represent the actual register address while the MSB enables address autoincrement.

If the MSB of the SUB field is ‘1’, the SUB (register address) is automatically increased to allow multiple data Read/Write.

To minimize the communication between the master and magnetic digital interface of LSM303DLHC, the address pointer updates automatically without master intervention. This automatic address pointer update has two additional features. First, when address 12 or higher is accessed, the pointer updates to address 00, and secondly, when address 08 is reached, the pointer rolls back to address 03. Logically, the address pointer operation functions as shown below. 1) If (address pointer = 08) then the address pointer = 03 Or else, if (address pointer >= 12) then the address pointer = 0 Or else, (address pointer) = (address pointer) + 1

The address pointer value itself cannot be read via the I2C bus"

#define AXES_ENABLE   0x07
#define BOOT   0x80
#define CRA_REG_M   0x00
#define CRB_REG_M   0x01
#define CTRL_REG1_A   0x20
#define CTRL_REG4_A   0x23
#define CTRL_REG5_A   0x24
#define FS_1P3_GA   0x20
#define FS_1P9_GA   0x40
#define FS_2P5_GA   0x60
#define FS_4P0_GA   0x80
#define FS_4P7_GA   0xA0
#define FS_5P6_GA   0xC0
#define FS_8P1_GA   0xE0
#define FULLSCALE_16G   0x30
#define FULLSCALE_2G   0x00
#define FULLSCALE_4G   0x10
#define FULLSCALE_8G   0x20
#define LSM303DLHC_ACCEL_ADDRESS   0x19
#define LSM303DLHC_MAG_ADDRESS   0x1E
#define MR_REG_M   0x02
#define ODR_1344_HZ   0x90
#define ODR_15_HZ   0x10
#define ODR_75_HZ   0x18
#define OUT_X_H_M   0x03
#define OUT_X_L_A   0x28

Function Documentation

bool lsm303dlhcAccDetect ( acc_t accel)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

uint8_t accelCalibrating = false
float accelOneG = 9.8065
int32_t accelSum100Hz[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t accelSum500Hz[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t accelSummedSamples100Hz[3]
int32_t accelSummedSamples500Hz[3]