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rc_controls_config Struct Reference

#include <rc_controls.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t deadband
 introduce a deadband around the stick center for pitch and roll axis. Must be greater than zero. More...
uint8_t yaw_deadband
 introduce a deadband around the stick center for yaw axis. Must be greater than zero. More...
uint8_t alt_hold_deadband
 defines the neutral zone of throttle stick during altitude hold, default setting is +/-40 More...
uint8_t alt_hold_fast_change
 when disabled, turn off the althold when throttle stick is out of deadband defined with alt_hold_deadband; when enabled, altitude changes slowly proportional to stick movement More...
int8_t yaw_control_direction
 change control direction of yaw (inverted, normal) More...
uint16_t deadband3d_throttle
 default throttle deadband from MIDRC More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t rc_controls_config::alt_hold_deadband

defines the neutral zone of throttle stick during altitude hold, default setting is +/-40

uint8_t rc_controls_config::alt_hold_fast_change

when disabled, turn off the althold when throttle stick is out of deadband defined with alt_hold_deadband; when enabled, altitude changes slowly proportional to stick movement

uint8_t rc_controls_config::deadband

introduce a deadband around the stick center for pitch and roll axis. Must be greater than zero.

uint16_t rc_controls_config::deadband3d_throttle

default throttle deadband from MIDRC

int8_t rc_controls_config::yaw_control_direction

change control direction of yaw (inverted, normal)

uint8_t rc_controls_config::yaw_deadband

introduce a deadband around the stick center for yaw axis. Must be greater than zero.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: