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encoding.c File Reference
#include "encoding.h"
Include dependency graph for encoding.c:


uint32_t castFloatBytesToInt (float f)
uint32_t zigzagEncode (int32_t value)

Function Documentation

uint32_t castFloatBytesToInt ( float  f)

Cast the in-memory representation of the given float directly to an int.

This is useful for printing the hex representation of a float number (which is considerably cheaper than a full decimal float formatter, in both code size and output length).

uint32_t zigzagEncode ( int32_t  value)

ZigZag encoding maps all values of a signed integer into those of an unsigned integer in such a way that numbers of small absolute value correspond to small integers in the result.

(Compared to just casting a signed to an unsigned which creates huge resulting numbers for small negative integers).