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__mavlink_volt_sensor_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_volt_sensor.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t voltage
 Voltage in uS of PWM. 0 uS = 0V, 20 uS = 21.5V. More...
uint16_t reading2
 Depends on the value of r2Type (0) Current consumption in uS of PWM, 20 uS = 90Amp (1) Distance in cm (2) Distance in cm (3) Absolute value. More...
uint8_t r2Type
 It is the value of reading 2: 0 - Current, 1 - Foreward Sonar, 2 - Back Sonar, 3 - RPM. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t __mavlink_volt_sensor_t::r2Type

It is the value of reading 2: 0 - Current, 1 - Foreward Sonar, 2 - Back Sonar, 3 - RPM.

uint16_t __mavlink_volt_sensor_t::reading2

Depends on the value of r2Type (0) Current consumption in uS of PWM, 20 uS = 90Amp (1) Distance in cm (2) Distance in cm (3) Absolute value.

uint16_t __mavlink_volt_sensor_t::voltage

Voltage in uS of PWM. 0 uS = 0V, 20 uS = 21.5V.

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