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__mavlink_terrain_report_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_terrain_report.h>

Data Fields

int32_t lat
 Latitude (degrees *10^7) More...
int32_t lon
 Longitude (degrees *10^7) More...
float terrain_height
 Terrain height in meters AMSL. More...
float current_height
 Current vehicle height above lat/lon terrain height (meters) More...
uint16_t spacing
 grid spacing (zero if terrain at this location unavailable) More...
uint16_t pending
 Number of 4x4 terrain blocks waiting to be received or read from disk. More...
uint16_t loaded
 Number of 4x4 terrain blocks in memory. More...

Field Documentation

float __mavlink_terrain_report_t::current_height

Current vehicle height above lat/lon terrain height (meters)

int32_t __mavlink_terrain_report_t::lat

Latitude (degrees *10^7)

uint16_t __mavlink_terrain_report_t::loaded

Number of 4x4 terrain blocks in memory.

int32_t __mavlink_terrain_report_t::lon

Longitude (degrees *10^7)

uint16_t __mavlink_terrain_report_t::pending

Number of 4x4 terrain blocks waiting to be received or read from disk.

uint16_t __mavlink_terrain_report_t::spacing

grid spacing (zero if terrain at this location unavailable)

float __mavlink_terrain_report_t::terrain_height

Terrain height in meters AMSL.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: