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__mavlink_sim_state_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_sim_state.h>

Data Fields

float q1
 True attitude quaternion component 1, w (1 in null-rotation) More...
float q2
 True attitude quaternion component 2, x (0 in null-rotation) More...
float q3
 True attitude quaternion component 3, y (0 in null-rotation) More...
float q4
 True attitude quaternion component 4, z (0 in null-rotation) More...
float roll
 Attitude roll expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs. More...
float pitch
 Attitude pitch expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs. More...
float yaw
 Attitude yaw expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs. More...
float xacc
 X acceleration m/s/s. More...
float yacc
 Y acceleration m/s/s. More...
float zacc
 Z acceleration m/s/s. More...
float xgyro
 Angular speed around X axis rad/s. More...
float ygyro
 Angular speed around Y axis rad/s. More...
float zgyro
 Angular speed around Z axis rad/s. More...
float lat
 Latitude in degrees. More...
float lon
 Longitude in degrees. More...
float alt
 Altitude in meters. More...
float std_dev_horz
 Horizontal position standard deviation. More...
float std_dev_vert
 Vertical position standard deviation. More...
float vn
 True velocity in m/s in NORTH direction in earth-fixed NED frame. More...
float ve
 True velocity in m/s in EAST direction in earth-fixed NED frame. More...
float vd
 True velocity in m/s in DOWN direction in earth-fixed NED frame. More...

Field Documentation

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::alt

Altitude in meters.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::lat

Latitude in degrees.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::lon

Longitude in degrees.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::pitch

Attitude pitch expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::q1

True attitude quaternion component 1, w (1 in null-rotation)

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::q2

True attitude quaternion component 2, x (0 in null-rotation)

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::q3

True attitude quaternion component 3, y (0 in null-rotation)

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::q4

True attitude quaternion component 4, z (0 in null-rotation)

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::roll

Attitude roll expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::std_dev_horz

Horizontal position standard deviation.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::std_dev_vert

Vertical position standard deviation.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::vd

True velocity in m/s in DOWN direction in earth-fixed NED frame.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::ve

True velocity in m/s in EAST direction in earth-fixed NED frame.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::vn

True velocity in m/s in NORTH direction in earth-fixed NED frame.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::xacc

X acceleration m/s/s.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::xgyro

Angular speed around X axis rad/s.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::yacc

Y acceleration m/s/s.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::yaw

Attitude yaw expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::ygyro

Angular speed around Y axis rad/s.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::zacc

Z acceleration m/s/s.

float __mavlink_sim_state_t::zgyro

Angular speed around Z axis rad/s.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: