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__mavlink_rally_point_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_rally_point.h>

Data Fields

int32_t lat
 Latitude of point in degrees * 1E7. More...
int32_t lng
 Longitude of point in degrees * 1E7. More...
int16_t alt
 Transit / loiter altitude in meters relative to home. More...
int16_t break_alt
 Break altitude in meters relative to home. More...
uint16_t land_dir
 Heading to aim for when landing. In centi-degrees. More...
uint8_t target_system
 System ID. More...
uint8_t target_component
 Component ID. More...
uint8_t idx
 point index (first point is 0) More...
uint8_t count
 total number of points (for sanity checking) More...
uint8_t flags
 See RALLY_FLAGS enum for definition of the bitmask. More...

Field Documentation

int16_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::alt

Transit / loiter altitude in meters relative to home.

int16_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::break_alt

Break altitude in meters relative to home.

uint8_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::count

total number of points (for sanity checking)

uint8_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::flags

See RALLY_FLAGS enum for definition of the bitmask.

uint8_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::idx

point index (first point is 0)

uint16_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::land_dir

Heading to aim for when landing. In centi-degrees.

int32_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::lat

Latitude of point in degrees * 1E7.

int32_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::lng

Longitude of point in degrees * 1E7.

uint8_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::target_component

Component ID.

uint8_t __mavlink_rally_point_t::target_system

System ID.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: