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__mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_point_of_interest_connection.h>

Data Fields

float xp1
 X1 Position. More...
float yp1
 Y1 Position. More...
float zp1
 Z1 Position. More...
float xp2
 X2 Position. More...
float yp2
 Y2 Position. More...
float zp2
 Z2 Position. More...
uint16_t timeout
 0: no timeout, >1: timeout in seconds More...
uint8_t type
 0: Notice, 1: Warning, 2: Critical, 3: Emergency, 4: Debug More...
uint8_t color
 0: blue, 1: yellow, 2: red, 3: orange, 4: green, 5: magenta More...
uint8_t coordinate_system
 0: global, 1:local More...
char name [26]
 POI connection name. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::color

0: blue, 1: yellow, 2: red, 3: orange, 4: green, 5: magenta

uint8_t __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::coordinate_system

0: global, 1:local

char __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::name[26]

POI connection name.

uint16_t __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::timeout

0: no timeout, >1: timeout in seconds

uint8_t __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::type

0: Notice, 1: Warning, 2: Critical, 3: Emergency, 4: Debug

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::xp1

X1 Position.

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::xp2

X2 Position.

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::yp1

Y1 Position.

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::yp2

Y2 Position.

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::zp1

Z1 Position.

float __mavlink_point_of_interest_connection_t::zp2

Z2 Position.

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