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__mavlink_param_request_read_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_param_request_read.h>

Data Fields

int16_t param_index
 Parameter index. Send -1 to use the param ID field as identifier (else the param id will be ignored) More...
uint8_t target_system
 System ID. More...
uint8_t target_component
 Component ID. More...
char param_id [16]
 Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string. More...

Field Documentation

char __mavlink_param_request_read_t::param_id[16]

Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string.

int16_t __mavlink_param_request_read_t::param_index

Parameter index. Send -1 to use the param ID field as identifier (else the param id will be ignored)

uint8_t __mavlink_param_request_read_t::target_component

Component ID.

uint8_t __mavlink_param_request_read_t::target_system

System ID.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: