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__mavlink_gps2_raw_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_gps2_raw.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t time_usec
 Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot) More...
int32_t lat
 Latitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7. More...
int32_t lon
 Longitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7. More...
int32_t alt
 Altitude (AMSL, not WGS84), in meters * 1000 (positive for up) More...
uint32_t dgps_age
 Age of DGPS info. More...
uint16_t eph
 GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position in cm (m*100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX. More...
uint16_t epv
 GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position in cm (m*100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX. More...
uint16_t vel
 GPS ground speed (m/s * 100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX. More...
uint16_t cog
 Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in degrees * 100, 0.0..359.99 degrees. If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX. More...
uint8_t fix_type
 0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix, 4: DGPS fix, 5: RTK Fix. Some applications will not use the value of this field unless it is at least two, so always correctly fill in the fix. More...
uint8_t satellites_visible
 Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255. More...
uint8_t dgps_numch
 Number of DGPS satellites. More...

Field Documentation

int32_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::alt

Altitude (AMSL, not WGS84), in meters * 1000 (positive for up)

uint16_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::cog

Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement) in degrees * 100, 0.0..359.99 degrees. If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX.

uint32_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::dgps_age

Age of DGPS info.

uint8_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::dgps_numch

Number of DGPS satellites.

uint16_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::eph

GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position in cm (m*100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX.

uint16_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::epv

GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position in cm (m*100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX.

uint8_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::fix_type

0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix, 4: DGPS fix, 5: RTK Fix. Some applications will not use the value of this field unless it is at least two, so always correctly fill in the fix.

int32_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::lat

Latitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7.

int32_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::lon

Longitude (WGS84), in degrees * 1E7.

uint8_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::satellites_visible

Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255.

uint64_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::time_usec

Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot)

uint16_t __mavlink_gps2_raw_t::vel

GPS ground speed (m/s * 100). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX.

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