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__mavlink_ekf_ext_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_ekf_ext.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t timestamp
 Time since system start [us]. More...
float Windspeed
 Magnitude of wind velocity (in lateral inertial plane) [m/s]. More...
float WindDir
 Wind heading angle from North [rad]. More...
float WindZ
 Z (Down) component of inertial wind velocity [m/s]. More...
float Airspeed
 Magnitude of air velocity [m/s]. More...
float beta
 Sideslip angle [rad]. More...
float alpha
 Angle of attack [rad]. More...

Field Documentation

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::Airspeed

Magnitude of air velocity [m/s].

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::alpha

Angle of attack [rad].

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::beta

Sideslip angle [rad].

uint64_t __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::timestamp

Time since system start [us].

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::WindDir

Wind heading angle from North [rad].

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::Windspeed

Magnitude of wind velocity (in lateral inertial plane) [m/s].

float __mavlink_ekf_ext_t::WindZ

Z (Down) component of inertial wind velocity [m/s].

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: