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__mavlink_detection_stats_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_detection_stats.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t detections
 Number of detections. More...
uint32_t cluster_iters
 Number of cluster iterations. More...
float best_score
 Best score. More...
int32_t best_lat
 Latitude of the best detection * 1E7. More...
int32_t best_lon
 Longitude of the best detection * 1E7. More...
int32_t best_alt
 Altitude of the best detection * 1E3. More...
uint32_t best_detection_id
 Best detection ID. More...
uint32_t best_cluster_id
 Best cluster ID. More...
uint32_t best_cluster_iter_id
 Best cluster ID. More...
uint32_t images_done
 Number of images already processed. More...
uint32_t images_todo
 Number of images still to process. More...
float fps
 Average images per seconds processed. More...

Field Documentation

int32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_alt

Altitude of the best detection * 1E3.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_cluster_id

Best cluster ID.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_cluster_iter_id

Best cluster ID.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_detection_id

Best detection ID.

int32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_lat

Latitude of the best detection * 1E7.

int32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_lon

Longitude of the best detection * 1E7.

float __mavlink_detection_stats_t::best_score

Best score.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::cluster_iters

Number of cluster iterations.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::detections

Number of detections.

float __mavlink_detection_stats_t::fps

Average images per seconds processed.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::images_done

Number of images already processed.

uint32_t __mavlink_detection_stats_t::images_todo

Number of images still to process.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: