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__mavlink_camera_feedback_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_camera_feedback.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t time_usec
 Image timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch), as passed in by CAMERA_STATUS message (or autopilot if no CCB) More...
int32_t lat
 Latitude in (deg * 1E7) More...
int32_t lng
 Longitude in (deg * 1E7) More...
float alt_msl
 Altitude Absolute (meters AMSL) More...
float alt_rel
 Altitude Relative (meters above HOME location) More...
float roll
 Camera Roll angle (earth frame, degrees, +-180) More...
float pitch
 Camera Pitch angle (earth frame, degrees, +-180) More...
float yaw
 Camera Yaw (earth frame, degrees, 0-360, true) More...
float foc_len
 Focal Length (mm) More...
uint16_t img_idx
 Image index. More...
uint8_t target_system
 System ID. More...
uint8_t cam_idx
 Camera ID. More...
uint8_t flags
 See CAMERA_FEEDBACK_FLAGS enum for definition of the bitmask. More...

Field Documentation

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::alt_msl

Altitude Absolute (meters AMSL)

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::alt_rel

Altitude Relative (meters above HOME location)

uint8_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::cam_idx

Camera ID.

uint8_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::flags

See CAMERA_FEEDBACK_FLAGS enum for definition of the bitmask.

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::foc_len

Focal Length (mm)

uint16_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::img_idx

Image index.

int32_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::lat

Latitude in (deg * 1E7)

int32_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::lng

Longitude in (deg * 1E7)

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::pitch

Camera Pitch angle (earth frame, degrees, +-180)

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::roll

Camera Roll angle (earth frame, degrees, +-180)

uint8_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::target_system

System ID.

uint64_t __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::time_usec

Image timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch), as passed in by CAMERA_STATUS message (or autopilot if no CCB)

float __mavlink_camera_feedback_t::yaw

Camera Yaw (earth frame, degrees, 0-360, true)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: