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__mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t Struct Reference

#include <mavlink_msg_attitude_quaternion_cov.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t time_boot_ms
 Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot) More...
float q [4]
 Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation) More...
float rollspeed
 Roll angular speed (rad/s) More...
float pitchspeed
 Pitch angular speed (rad/s) More...
float yawspeed
 Yaw angular speed (rad/s) More...
float covariance [9]
 Attitude covariance. More...

Field Documentation

float __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::covariance[9]

Attitude covariance.

float __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::pitchspeed

Pitch angular speed (rad/s)

float __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::q[4]

Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation)

float __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::rollspeed

Roll angular speed (rad/s)

uint32_t __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::time_boot_ms

Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot)

float __mavlink_attitude_quaternion_cov_t::yawspeed

Yaw angular speed (rad/s)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: