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streambuf.c File Reference
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "streambuf.h"
Include dependency graph for streambuf.c:


void sbufWriteU8 (sbuf_t *dst, uint8_t val)
void sbufWriteU16 (sbuf_t *dst, uint16_t val)
void sbufWriteU32 (sbuf_t *dst, uint32_t val)
void sbufWriteData (sbuf_t *dst, const void *data, int len)
void sbufWriteString (sbuf_t *dst, const char *string)
uint8_t sbufReadU8 (sbuf_t *src)
uint16_t sbufReadU16 (sbuf_t *src)
uint32_t sbufReadU32 (sbuf_t *src)
void sbufReadData (sbuf_t *src, void *data, int len)
int sbufBytesRemaining (sbuf_t *buf)
uint8_t * sbufPtr (sbuf_t *buf)
void sbufAdvance (sbuf_t *buf, int size)
void sbufSwitchToReader (sbuf_t *buf, uint8_t *base)

Function Documentation

void sbufAdvance ( sbuf_t buf,
int  size 
int sbufBytesRemaining ( sbuf_t buf)
uint8_t* sbufPtr ( sbuf_t buf)
void sbufReadData ( sbuf_t src,
void *  data,
int  len 
uint16_t sbufReadU16 ( sbuf_t src)

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t sbufReadU32 ( sbuf_t src)

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint8_t sbufReadU8 ( sbuf_t src)
void sbufSwitchToReader ( sbuf_t buf,
uint8_t *  base 
void sbufWriteData ( sbuf_t dst,
const void *  data,
int  len 
void sbufWriteString ( sbuf_t dst,
const char *  string 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void sbufWriteU16 ( sbuf_t dst,
uint16_t  val 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void sbufWriteU32 ( sbuf_t dst,
uint32_t  val 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void sbufWriteU8 ( sbuf_t dst,
uint8_t  val 