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vcp Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for vcp:


file  hw_config.c
 Hardware Configuration & Setup.
file  hw_config.h [code]
 Hardware Configuration & Setup.
file  platform_config.h [code]
 Evaluation board specific configuration file.
file  stm32_it.c
 Main Interrupt Service Routines. This file provides template for all exceptions handler and peripherals interrupt service routine.
file  stm32_it.h [code]
 This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.
file  usb_conf.h [code]
 Virtual COM Port Demo configuration header.
file  usb_desc.c
 Descriptors for Virtual Com Port Demo.
file  usb_desc.h [code]
 Descriptor Header for Virtual COM Port Device.
file  usb_endp.c
 Endpoint routines.
file  usb_istr.c
 ISTR events interrupt service routines.
file  usb_istr.h [code]
 This file includes the peripherals header files in the user application.
file  usb_prop.c
 All processing related to Virtual Com Port Demo.
file  usb_prop.h [code]
 All processing related to Virtual COM Port Demo (Endpoint 0)
file  usb_pwr.c
 Connection/disconnection & power management.
file  usb_pwr.h [code]
 Connection/disconnection & power management header.