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Board - Olimexino

The Olimexino is a cheap and widely available development board

This board is not recommended for cleanflight development because many of the pins needed are not broken out to header pins. A better choice for development is the Port103R, EUSTM32F103RB (F1) or the STM32F3Discovery (F3).


RC Input


PA0 CH1 - D2 - PWM1 / PPM PA1 CH2 - D3 - PWM2 / PWM RSSI PA2 CH3 - D1 - PWM3 / UART2 TX PA3 CH4 - D0 - PWM4 / UART2 RX PA6 CH5 - D12 - PWM5 / SOFTSERIAL1 RX PA7 CH6 - D11 - PWM6 / SOFTSERIAL1 TX PB0 CH7 - D27 - PWM7 / SOFTSERIAL2 RX PB1 CH8 - D28 - PWM8 / SOFTSERIAL2 TX

PWM Output

OUTPUT PA8 CH1 - PWM9 - D6 PA11 CH2 - PWM10 - USBDM PB6 CH3 - PWM11 - D5 PB7 CH4 - PWM12 - D9 PB8 CH5 - PWM13 - D14 PB9 CH6 - PWM14 - D24

Olimexino Shield V1

Headers for a CP2102 for UART1

Top left

6 way header pinouts (left to right)

1 - N/C 2 - N/C 3 - N/C 4 - D7 - UART1 TX / CP2102 RX 5 - D8 - UART1 RX / CP2102 TX 6 - GND

Headers for PPM, RSSI, SoftSerial1 inputs and Motor outputs

Top centre

Top Row = GROUND Middle Row = 5V Bottom Row = Signals

Signal pinouts (left to right)

1 - D2 - PWM1 - PPM 2 - D3 - PWM2 - RSSI 3 - D11 - PWM6 - INPUT CH6 / SS1 TX 4 - D12 - PWM5 - INPUT CH5 / SS1 RX 5 - D5 - PWM11 - OUTPUT CH3 6 - D9 - PWM12 - OUTPUT CH4 7 - D14 - PWM13 - OUTPUT CH5 8 - D24 - PWM14 - OUTPUT CH6

SoftSerial 1 - Headers for FTDI

Top Right

6 way header pinouts (left to right)

1 - N/C 2 - D11 - SS1 or UART2 TX / FTDI RX 3 - D12 - SS1 or UART2 RX / FTDI TX 4 - N/C 5 - N/C 6 - GND

Top Right

3 way power selector header

1 - VIN 2 - 5V from FTDI 3 - N/C - Jumper Storage

Middle Left

3 way power selector header

1 - VIN 2 - 5V from CP2102 3 - N/C - Jumper Storage

Use either power selector to supply VIN from the serial port adapter sockets, ensure that both power selectors are not enabled at the same time. One or both of the power selector jumpers MUST be in the jumper storage position.


Inner Middle Bottom Right

4 Header pins (top to bottom)

1 - VIN 2 - Trigger 3 - Echo 4 - GND

Serial IO & Serial Loopback

Bottom right

The header pins allows combinations of serial loopback and Serial IO. Any amount of connections or jumpers can be used at the same time.

Jumper positions

>< = Horizontal jumper

v = Vertical jumper ^

><- FTDI RX connected to SS1 TX ><- FTDI TX connected to SS1 RX

->< FTDI RX connected to UART2 TX ->< FTDI TX connected to UART2 RX




6 way header pinouts (top left to bottom right)

123 456

1 - SS 1 TX 2 - FTDI RX 3 - UART2 TX 4 - SS1 RX 5 - FTDI TX 6 - UART2 RX

Bottom Right

HoTT Telemetry port

When the HoTT enable jumper is on pins 2 and 3 then HoTT data can be received/transmitted on either serial port depending on the placement of the Derial IO selection jumpers.

When not in use the HoTT enable jumper can be stored on pins 3 and 4

The HoTT telemetry is connected to the center pins (2 & 5) of the Serial IO header.

4 way header (left to right)

1 - HoTT Telemetry In/Out 2 - HoTT Enable Jumper 3 - HoTT Enable Jumper 4 - N/C - Jumper Storage