LibBlobPack - fast blob packing library

I have created libblobpack because I was very disappointed with using OpenWRT libubox blob packing utilities which were very ambiguous and contained a lot of unnecessary complexity. So I created libblobpack which I then used in my jucid rpc server project (

This library enables one to pack json objects into blobs of binary data and enables one also to parse the binary blobs back to json very quickly. It contains a little known old json parse which is very fast and it also uses an improved blob packing api that allows one to pack complex data objects into binary, cross platform blobs.

There are several alternatives on the market for blob packing - the problem is not exactly new. But as it is with everything in OpenWRT embedded world, size matters a lot and blobpack library is designed to follow the same philosophy with regards to size as a lot of the u*box stuff already found in OpenWRT.



GPLv2 due to using GPLv2 code from other sources in this project.

Copyright (c) 2016 Martin K. Schröder Contact: