AVR VT100 Emulator Project

I have started this project due to my fascination with avr and also my fascination with implementation of state machines. So I have combined this to create a small vt100 emulator that converted an avr chip into a serial graphical terminal driver. It received text through the serial uart and displayed it on an ili9340 display. It was quite a lot of fun developing it because at the time there was no fast enough driver for the graphical LCD on arduino, menaing I had to develop that as well.

Since 2014 this driver has eventually been included into my libk project and generally I just have not been maintaining this vt project, but it was fun to do indeed.


  • Github repository: https://github.com/mkschreder/avr-vt100



Copyright (c) 2016 Martin K. Schröder Contact: mkschreder.uk@gmail.com