JUCI select is a generic dropdown implementation for juci. It takes a list of display elements as ng-items argument which consist of a label and a value. It also takes an ng-model argument that determines the currently selected element value.

The control will automatically select the element in the list that corresponds to the initial value of the model and also update the selection when model value changes.


  • ng-items - an Array of items that represents items that are available for selection in the list. Each item in this array should have a label and value field. The label field will represent human readable text in the dropdown and the value will represent the value that will be assigned to the model when user selects that particular item.

  • ng-model - the model value who's value will correspond to the value field of one of the items.


The control itself does not do any translation in place. Instead you need to translate your labels yourself using $tr() and gettext() methods.


<juci-select ng-items="items" ng-model="model"/>

$scope.items = [
    { label: $tr(gettext("Label Text")), value: { .. value object .. } }, 
    { label: $tr(gettext("Label #2")), value: 2
$scope.model = 2; 

The above example will create a dropdwon list which initially will show "Label #2" as selected item.