This is a generic control that handles a list of objects and allows you to select, edit and delete the items in the list. This control is very useful for creating dynamic editable lists for up to 10-20 items. It is designed to be responsive so that it works just as well on a mobile device as in web browser. In JUCI this control is used for editing lists of uci objects - such as wifi interfaces, network interfaces etc.


  • ng-items - an Array of items that will be edited.

  • item-editor - the name of the directive that will be used for editing an item (without the and ). Directive must accept ng-model parameter that will be set to the currently edited item.

  • get-item-title - a function or expression that retreives the title of an item to be shown in the gui. $item variable can be used to refer to the actual item.

  • on-create - a function to be called when user presses Add button.

  • on-delete - a function to be called when user deletes and item.


The get-item-title function should return an already translated string.


<juci-item-editor ng-items="item_array"
    on-delete="onDeleteItem($item)" />